The Bar Association recently created a 3-year strategic plan, Vision 2013. The Bar is excited and proud to now have a road map to guide us for the next few years, as we work to make our Bar the best local bar it can be.
With the help of Amazing Elizabeth (as I have deemed her) from the American Bar Association, we have a document and vision statement to lead us forward.
Vision Statement: With its extraordinary leadership and dedication to service, the El Paso County Bar Association is a bridge among its members, the community, and the justice system, providing each with significant value.
Strategic Plan will be available on our website soon.
As a part of this plan, we've started doing a few things to help show the local community what we at the Bar Association do, as well as the services that our lawyers provide to the community. One of those things is 'advertising' ... but not in the normal sense. We have started running an advertisement in the Colorado Springs Independent (and soon to come, the Colorado Springs Business Journal) to help the legal community and the greater Colorado Springs community get a better sense of what we provide as an organization. We also have a new public information brochure to help our neighbors and friends understand what a Bar Association provides. (More on that Public Information Brochure to come.) We're hoping that these resources will be indicative of three things for our community:
1. The Bar has been serving the legal community for over 107 years and continues to be an integral part of the legal community in the Pikes Peak Region.
2. The Bar is continually growing and changing, especially in the resources that we provide, in the public education piece of what we do, and in the community support that we offer.
3. We don't exactly do what you think we do. Bar membership is voluntary in the state of Colorado, so our function is different that that of other states where membership is required.
Check out the links below and help play a part in educating our community on what we do and why the Bar Association is still, after 107 years, an integral part of the Pikes Peak Region.
Colorado Springs Independent:
Public Information Brochure:
Executive Director
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