Monday, October 18, 2010

14th Annual Wine & Beer Tasting is coming up!

The 14th Annual Wine and Beer Tasting is coming up! For those of you who have attended before, you know what a great event this is.  Not only is it a great time to socialize with colleagues and friends, but also benefits a great cause.  There are so many people in our community who are in need of low cost or free legal assistance, and this event helps us do our part in supporting those services. 

Here are the details:  

MASQUERADE:  14th Annual New Lawyers Section and El Paso County Bar Association Wine & Beer Tasting...and so much more!

Friday, October 22nd, 6:00 -9:30 pm, Julie Penrose Room, St. Paul's Church, 9 El Pomar Road

An evening of fun and collegiality benefiting legal services for the poor, Colorado Legal Services and the Pikes Peak Pro Bono Project. Join us for wine and beer tasting provided by Vintages, food from a variety of local restaurants, shop the beautiful works by local artists, and make sure to bid on our great silent auction items!

More information is available here

Tickets are $35.00 in advance and $55.00 at the door($25.00 is tax deductible per ticket).

Tickets must be paid for at the time they are ordered, tickets will be mailed to you if purchased more than seven (7) days priorto the event. Otherwise they will be available for pick up at the door. Checks and/or Visa and MasterCard are accepted. Please make checks payable to the Pikes Peak Community Foundation.

Tickets are available by contacting Jennifer M at 719-637-4558 or Jennifer J at 719-459-9774.

The Wine & Beer Tasting is a component fund of the Pikes Peak Community Foundation and contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Thank you to our sponsors:
Colorado Springs Business Journal
The Transcript
Blattner & Associates, LLC
Deanne M Cain, PC
Henry B Eastland, PC
Nan Scranton, Esq
Melanie Douglas PC
Winston Law Firm
Donley Law, PC
Sherman & Howard
Johnson & Cord, PC
Hanes & Schutz, LLC
Alpern Myers Stuart, LLC
Sparks Willson Borges Brandt & Johnson, PC
psg design
Pikes Peak Community Foundation
Vintages Wine & Spirits
Judge Baldwins Brewing Company
Jack Quinn's Irish Pub and Restaurant

Thank you to our artists:
Laura Reilly
Tom Owens
Richard Pankratz
Ken & Tina Riesterer

Costumes are encouraged! But certainly not required... :)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Thank you to our Attorneys who have taken a Pro Bono case over the past year!

Attorneys socializing at the Pikes Peak Pro Bono Project's Volunteer Thank You Reception

Legal Websites We Love!

Here it no particular order.

Legal Websites (and blogs!) We Love!

Know Your Judge

Often, when voters see judges on the ballot who are standing for retention, they will skip that part, vote all yes, vote all no, etc...without truly being educated about the judges and the recommendations from the Judicial Performance Commission. 

On behalf of the Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System at the University of Denver and their partners, the Colorado Bar Association, the Colorado Judicial Institute, and the League of Women Voters of Colorado, was created to help Coloradans make informed decisions when choosing judges on this fall’s ballot. The hope is that this website will offer a comprehensive tool for voters to help guide them during this election season. Also, keep your eyes and ears open for television and radio public service announcements.

The website gives simple, impartial, and nonpartisan facts about judges and the information from the Judicial Performance Commission.  The hope is that,  this fall, through this campaign, voters will be more informed, educated, and interested when voting for judges' retention. 

Social Networking for Attorneys

Yesterday, the Solo/Small Firm Practice section of the EPCBA presented "Social Networking: Getting Your Feet Wet."  Thomasz Stasiuk, a local attorney and self-proclaimed "tech geek," and Ali Gerkman, Special Projects Program Attorney and Manager of Online Content and Development with CBA-CLE gave attorneys an overview/tutorial on Twitter, blogging, Facebook, and LinkedIn.  

Amongst the multitude of interesting and educational information that was shared by Thomasz and Ali, a few interesting points stood out for me.

An attorney asked about the ethical implications of blogging and creating a blog that was limited to 'legal information' rather than 'legal advice.'  The local Bar Association, in all of its publications and social networking sites, makes sure to note that any information contained within the document is not legal advice or opinions.  It's good practice to make sure when you are putting anything into the cyber world that you use a disclaimer.  When blogging, many attorneys have told me that they consistently ask themselves, 'is this advice or information?'  If its on the borderline, they don't post it.  Make sure to cover your bases, and you'll have a successful, interesting, and (hopefully) client-producing blog.

Another item that I found interesting was the personal vs. professional Facebook account dilemma.  Ali described the exact situation that most people are in ... you have a Facebook page for friends and family, fellow parishioners at your church, old friends you've recently connected with ...but you have been receiving friend requests from colleagues.  To friend or not to friend...that is the question!  At the El Paso County Bar, we have a Facebook page where individuals can 'Like' the Association.  This is not only a useful tool for relaying information to members and friends of the association, but its the perfect way to impart information about your practice/firm to potential clients AND other attorneys...without friending them or having to maintain a separate Facebook page for colleagues.  

Don't forget, there are MANY ways to stay involved with the EPCBA and the CBA through social networking.  Check them out today as you get your feet wet in the world of social networking!

El Paso County Bar:


Colorado Bar Association:


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Committee Preference Sheets

Last month, the EPCBA sent out a Call for Committee Members and a Committee Preference Sheet.  There are many opportunities to become involved with the Bar Association and to help shape the future of your local Bar Association.  The Military Relations Committee has seen a great amount of interest, as has the Bench-Bar Committee.  The Bar greatly appreciates the interest that we have seen so far and the folks who have returned their Committee Preference Sheets.  

This morning, our intern, Cassmir, was compiling the most recent group of Committee Preference Sheets, and noted that there was a lack of interest in these volunteer opportunities.  With a membership of approximately 1000 attorneys, less than 25 members have responded, a 2.5% response overall thus far. 

There are so many opportunities to become involved in the Bar Association.  Member involvement is what makes an association go from good to excellent.  El Paso County is extremely fortunate to have a wealth of attorneys that are compassionate, interested, hard-working, and committed to our community.  The Bar Association has been an integral part of the legal community in the Pikes Peak Region for over 107 years, and, with the help of our members, can continue this tradition of excellence.  

If you haven't sent back your Committee Preference Sheets, and are interested in getting involved with the Bar Association, send them back today!  We especially could use volunteers for the Free Legal Clinics and Law Week Activities, and Ask-A-Lawyer.   P.O. Box 429, Colorado Springs, CO, 80901 or fax them to us at 719-473-9216.  

Claire and Cassmir

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Postal Rates Increase

Yet another increase in postage from the USPS.  2 cent rate increase to 46 cents.  What are these increases doing to your law practice?  Are you sending less mail?  Sending more documents electronically?  Using websites and email more regularly? 

Let us know what this increase means to you and your firm.

More information at the CSBJ

Hanging Your Own Shingle CLE Event in Denver this August

CBA-CLE is sponsoring a CLE Event focused on Hanging Your Own Shingle, August 19-21, 2010.

Program description is as follows:
You might be going out on your own, but that doesn't mean you have to do everything solo.
Opening your own law firm can be the most rewarding and most challenging endeavor you'll encounter in your career. So why go it alone?
Our experienced faculty is made up of attorneys and professionals who have either been in your shoes or who have helped attorneys just like you, and they will walk you through the process-from deciding to hang your shingle to actually doing it-with valuable ethics lessons and precautions all along the way.

Get more info and register at the CBA-CLE website

If you're thinking of opening your own firm, make sure to check out this program!

Social Media for Lawyers: Getting Your Feet Wet

On Wednesday, August 4, 2010, at 11:30 a.m. at the Ritz Grill, 15 S. Tejon St., in the Elbo Room, the Solo/Small Firm Section will present  “Social Media for Lawyers: Getting Your Feet Wet”.  No doubt you’ve heard rumblings about social media and how it’s being used in law practice, but how can you decide if it’s right for you? Where should you even start?  Attorneys Tomasz Stasiuk, Stasiuk Firm, and Alli Gerkman, Colorado Bar Association CLE, will introduce you to the most popular social media tools being used by lawyers and give you an overview of how lawyers are using them. Contrary to the hype, social media is no panacea, but depending on your practice, it may prove a useful tool as you work to develop and improve your practice.  E-mail or call John Holcomb,, 548-8968, or Jim Duve,, 578-5800, if you will attend.  You don't have to be a member of the section to attend.

At the Bar, we're advocates for the use of social media in business.  You can fan us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, or subscribe to our blog.  If you have some time over lunch on the 4th, make sure to attend this program.  It promises to be a great presentation and a great way to 'get your feet wet' in the world of social media for attorneys.  

Summer Happenings

Many sections and committees of the Bar take the summer off, however, there are a few groups who do meet over the summer:

Family Law Section- July 13th @Noon at The Warehouse.
Real Estate Section- July 15, 2010 at 7:30 am.  August 19, 2010, 7:30 am @Denny's on Bijou.

Solo/Small Firm Section- August 4th at 11:45 am at The Ritz, Elbo Room.
Christian Legal Society- August 5th at Noon at Jack Quinns.

Check your e-Newsletter for more information.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Nominating Committee of the Bar Association Announces Candidates Who Will Stand for Election for Board of Trustees


Mark Kane
Nan Scranton

Carl Graham 
Christopher Whitney

Frances Johnson 
Virginia ‘Jina’ Koultchitzka
Stuart Thomas

CBA Board of Governors Representative
Deborah Grohs
Dan Stuart

Election ballots will be mailed to all active members in mid-August.
The El Paso County Bar Association Bylaws allow for a petition process as follows:
9.07 (d) PETITIONS. Any member of the association may also be nominated for any office, except the office of President, by filing with the Nominating and Election committee a petition signed by at least twenty-five (25) members of the association, requesting placement on the election ballot and designating the office desired. The form of such petition shall be made available by the Nominating and Election committee at the Bar Association office on or before August 3, and must be complete and received at the Bar Association offi ce on or before 4:00
pm on August 10. Upon a proper nominating petition being filed, such candidates shall be treated in all respects as candidates nominated by the nominating and election committee.

Strategic Planning and Vision 2013

The Bar Association recently created a 3-year strategic plan, Vision 2013.  The Bar is excited and proud to now have a road map to guide us for the next few years, as we work to make our Bar the best local bar it can be.

With the help of Amazing Elizabeth (as I have deemed her) from the American Bar Association, we have a document and vision statement to lead us forward.

Vision Statement:  With its extraordinary leadership and dedication to service, the El Paso County Bar Association is a bridge among its members, the community, and the justice system, providing each with significant value.

Strategic Plan will be available on our website soon.

As a part of this plan, we've started doing a few things to help show the local community what we at the Bar Association do, as well as the services that our lawyers provide to the community.  One of those things is 'advertising' ... but not in the normal sense.  We have started running an advertisement in the Colorado Springs Independent (and soon to come, the Colorado Springs Business Journal) to help the legal community and the greater Colorado Springs community get a better sense of what we provide as an organization.  We also have a new public information brochure to help our neighbors and friends understand what a Bar Association provides.  (More on that Public Information Brochure to come.)  We're hoping that these resources will be indicative of three things for our community:

1.  The Bar has been serving the legal community for over 107 years and continues to be an integral part of the legal community in the Pikes Peak Region.
2.  The Bar is continually growing and changing, especially in the resources that we provide, in the public education piece of what we do, and in the community support that we offer.
3.  We don't exactly do what you think we do.  Bar membership is voluntary in the state of Colorado, so our function is different that that of other states where membership is required.

Check out the links below and help play a part in educating our community on what we do and why the Bar Association is still, after 107 years, an integral part of the Pikes Peak Region.

Executive Director

Winner of the Blog Naming Contest!

Congrats to Deirdre, Coordinator of our Lawyer Referral Service on the winning name for our blog!  Clever, isn't it?

Colorado Bar Association Names New President

Paul Chan has been named the new President of the Colorado Bar Association for the 2010-2011 year.  Read more about Paul at the Colorado Springs Business Journal today.

Welcome to the El Paso County Bar Association's Blog!

Welcome to the new blog of the El Paso County Bar Association, the "CoLAWrado Springs Bar Blog."  Here, we will share ideas, updates, events, news, and keep you connected with the legal community in the Pikes Peak Region.  Make sure to check back often for updates.  

Executive Director